At CGS, the health and safety and well-being of every child underpins every aspect of school life. We listen to our students and take seriously what they tell us. Our aim is for children to enjoy their time as students in this school. We want to work in partnership with parents to help your child achieve their full potential and make a positive contribution.
To promote a safe environment for students, our selection and recruitment policy includes all checks on staff and regular volunteers' suitability, including Disclosure and Barring Service checks, as recommended by Buckinghamshire Council in accordance with current legisation.
In accordance with our responsibilities under section 175/157 of the Education Act 2002 and "Keeping Children Safe in Education" September 2023, we have a Designated Safeguarding Lead for Child Protection, Hugh Bradbury ( who is a member of the Senior Leadership Team, and has received appropriate training for this role. Hugh is also the Designated Mental Health Lead. It is his responsibility to ensure that all staff in contact with children receive Child Protection awareness training on a regular basis. Hugh is also the Designated Teacher for Looked After Children. His Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Tim Patteson (Deputy Head). In the event that these staff are absent or unavailable, Sebastian Hayes (Assistant Headteacher) or Marion Rasekh (Associate Assistant Headteacher) would deputise.
If you have a concern about your child or another child at the school, then please do not hesitate to contact the school and ask to speak to the DSL on duty that day or your child's Year Leader.
If students have a concern, there are a number of different ways in which they can share these with us. This includes talking to a trusted adult in school or using our confidential Tootoot system or our entirely anonymous online form .
All of our policies and procedures follow the Keeping Children Safe in Education statutory guidance. This can be found here:
Hugh Bradbury |
Tim Patteson |
Marion Rasekh |
Seb Hayes |
The office is manned throughout the school holidays with the exception of the week between Christmas and New Year.
We have a site which is as safe and secure as possible, including the use of CCTV.