PE Kit
PE kit is available for purchase through Hawkinsport
- Clean trainers (no specified colour) with non-marking soles, laced correctly
- Football boots (no specified colour)
- Black CGS hockey/football socks
- Short socks: white sports socks (not ankle socks)
- Shorts or Skorts (as new kit below)
- Shirt: white polo shirt with Chesham Grammar School badge and printed student's surname is recommended (as new kit below)
- Rugby shirt: red with black band on reverse
- Swimming: one piece swim suit or trunks, hat and towel (a goggles note is required annually to give permission - Bucks Swimming Policy)
- Mouthguard for all hockey and rugby lessons/extra curriculuar (please see school policy)
- Shin guards
- Cricket whites (cricket equipment)
- Cricket box (boys)
- Tennis raquet and hockey stick (optional)
- Suncream (min F15)
- Named water bottle
Polo top (all)
Shorts (BOYS OR GIRLS) or Skort (GIRLS)
Rugby Shirt (BOYS)
Sports Socks (ALL)
We recommend that students have thermal base layers to wear under their kit in the winter. These must be white.
The school tracksuit - please note that this is not a compulsory item, however no other type of tracksuit may be worn for lessons or sports fixtures. Parents may, if they wish, purchase the top or the top and bottoms.
We strongly advise that parents name their child's kit (if it is not printed) as this makes it much easier to reunite any lost items with their owner.