Key Stage 4 - Years 10 & 11
At GCSE, students continue to follow a well-sequenced, broad, challenging and ambitious curriculum that builds on the progress made by students at Key Stage 3. The English Baccaluareate is at the heart of the curriculum and so it remains a balanced curriculum that provides students with the strongest possible foundation for their chosen post-16 pathway – either A levels, further education and/or employment.
Students take 6 core GCSE subjects – English Language and Literature, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics. They are then able to choose four other subjects from the list below – a Language, a Humanity, a creative subject and one other.
GCSE options subjects – French, German/Spanish, History, Geography, PRE, Art, Music, Drama, Engineering, Food Technology, Textiles, Computer Science, PE.
Non-examined subjects - our Life Skills and core PE programme continues at Key Stage 4. In addition, all students continue to have one PRE lesson over a two week period.
GCSE assessment information can be found here: GCSE assessment information