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CGS Table Tennis Centre gift to PE Department
The CGS Table Tennis Club are delighted to have gifted 20 good-quality, hardwearing table tennis bats and balls to the PE department at Chesham Grammar School today. These will be used in PE lessons and the TT practice/coaching activity at lunchtime for CGS students. Thanks to Bethan Cogger, overseeing the PE Department in Mr Pontin's absence, for taking the time to join us for a few photos and receiving the equipment.
We're really pleased that CGS student Elliot was also able to join us, who we recently funded for their Table Tennis England Level 1 coaching qualification. Elliot will also be using the equipment on Tuesdays in the school's lunchtime activity that he is involved with running as part of CGS's amazing Young Sports Leader Award initiative.
Thank you to all our members, both junior and adult, for all your help and support in making this happen.
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