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CGS Equestrian Club 50th Anniversary Show
On Saturday 7th May 2022 four teams took part in the CGEC 50th anniversary show. It was our first show since before lockdown so our teams made up of members from Years 7 to 10 included students with a range of experience. We groomed our ponies, washed their tails, combed their manes, cleaned their tack then tacked them up to be judged.
There were three classes: best turned out ponies and team; leading rein pony then family pony where the rider had to show skill riding an individual show on their pony. After we untacked and fed our ponies we were given rosettes and feedback from the judge, Mrs Dennis. She commented on how well the teams had done and reminded everyone how important it is to turn your pony away from you when leading to avoid getting your toes trodden on!
This show tested our grooming, tacking up, leading, and riding skills as well as team work. Everyone was very friendly, and we worked well in our teams, enjoying the competition and the 50th anniversary rosettes. Thank you!
Kari, Xanthe and Rose