Headteacher's Newsletter
what's happening at Chesham Grammar
Head's Blog
Dear Parent,
While I am sure you have heard quite enough from me for this week, I promised a weekly email and I am not going to fail you!
We said goodbye to your children today. We are well used to doing this but never without the certainty of knowing when we would see them again. As I stood at the gates and welcomed the students this morning, I felt quite emotional, not knowing when I would get to do so again. They have been a credit to us and to you this week. This time last week, we had fixtures, assemblies and school visits and in a week, so much has changed but the students have just carried on regardless and this has enabled us to carry on as normal. I spoke to them in assembly this afternoon because it did not feel right to let them leave without passing on a few key messages. These were to be kind to themselves and each other during what will be a difficult period. I asked them to be considerate at home and to help where they can. I said it is fine to be anxious, worried or sad and that while they should do the work set, they must remember that learning is not just something set on Canvas. This echoes the message in my email to parents today. Above all I told them not to worry about what they will miss when they are off. They are not alone and we will work hard to catch up whenever we are back.
I would like to congratulate Iona in Year 7 whose hockey team won the U12 Bucks County Hockey Championships recently and is now through to the South East Finals. Her team didn’t concede a single goal in the tournament and well done to Iona who is the goalie! Well done also to Alex in Year 10, Lara in Year 9 and Megan in Year 7 who took part in a fundraising swim for Sport Relief. Their swimming club swam the length of the English Channel between them, raising several hundred pounds in sponsorship. Well done to them all.
Year 11 and 13 parents will have seen the announcement today about the awarding of GCSE and A level grades. We are awaiting further information from Ofqual and the Exam Boards. Please can I ask that you do not contact teachers about this. We have got to work through exactly what it means and will await the details. Until then, we are in no position to be able to answer any questions and I will ask teachers not to respond to any request from parents or students until we know exactly what it is we are going to be required to do. Thank you for your understanding.
With best wishes for a relaxing weekend,
Annmarie McNaney