Headteacher's Newsletter
what's happening at Chesham Grammar
Head's Blog
Dear Parent,
Well today is the end of the Spring term and under normal circumstances we would have waved your children off for the Easter break in the knowledge that we would see them again in two weeks. In the current situation, it is easy for one week to roll into the next but it is really important that we delineate term time from holidays. Over the next two weeks of the Easter holiday, lessons will obviously not be set each day and teachers will not routinely be contactable. Some subjects have set work for the holiday, mainly for Years 10 and 12 and in many cases, this will focus on consolidation. However, we know that this is a school holiday unlike any other! The restrictions on our movement at present mean that most of the things students would choose to do during a holiday are not an option and so we have put together a list of ideas for enrichment and additional learning activities. All of these are optional and there are of course plenty of other ways in which students can spend their time or learn such as reading for pleasure but the list is there for students to refer to if they wish. On the subject of reading, please be aware that Buckinghamshire Library members can borrow ebooks. They just need their card and pin number (I am told that this is the last four digits of their library card number) to login at https://buckinghamshire.overdrive.com
A huge amount has happened this term from the show, School of Rock, to the art visit to Venice and from mock exams to progress evenings. The students and staff have worked incredibly hard and at the start of the term in January, who would have thought that it would end as it has? The way in which the whole school community has adapted to a new 'normal' is testament to our natural resilience and resourcefulness; I am sure that we have all learned things about ourselves in the past couple of weeks and have had to do things we have not done before. I would imagine that many of you would never have imagined a 'home schooling' routine even a few short weeks ago! I am grateful for all you are doing to support your children at home. I know I have said this before, but do remember that no child in the land is in school at present. I spoke to a parent today who was worried about her child's transition to secondary school in September. Of course the students who start secondary school in September may well not experience any of the usual transition processes or activities schools have in place...but should it be September before we are able to return, every single one of the thousands of current Year 6s will be in the same position; it will not be that one child is disadvantaged compared to others. Schools will plan for this and of course will make allowances for inducting new Year 7s in a different way.Every student in every year group in the country will return to school at the same time. Allowances will be made and account taken of the time missed so please try not to worry unduly about this though I know this is easier said than done! A number of huge questions about education need to be answered at the moment and these will be worked through in turn by the DfE. The most pressing of these questions was answered today, with the announcement of how A level and GCSE grades will be awarded. The details of this can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/gcses-as-and-a-level-awarding-summer-2020 Having read this carefully, it is clear that a huge amount of work has gone into this announcement to ensure that the awarding of grades is fair to the 2020 cohort in both Year 11 and 13. It is now our job to provide the information we are asked for. Again, please do not get in touch with us about this as we have not yet had a chance to discuss the announcement in detail with teaching staff. The second huge question which will need to be addressed is what will be done for Years 10 and 12 to make sure that things are equally fair for them next summer and I know that there is already work going on in relation to this issue too. An announcement on this will come when it is ready.
Just before the coronavirus affected all aspects of school life, a number of students took instrumental exams. Well done to Oliver in Year 12 who passed his grade 6 drumming with distinction and to Sam in Year 7 who was also awarded a distinction, in his case in grade 1 clarinet, an instrument he has only been learning for a few months. Finally, well done to Luke in Year 8 who passes his grade 4 violin with merit.
As you will know, our senior students have been working hard to raise money for recycling at CGS via the Aviva Community Crowdfunding project and they have so far raised 85% of their target of £5,000. I would dearly love the enthusiasm of the students who have got this off the ground to be rewarded and for them to be able to have the money to get this excellent and much needed initiative going at CGS. We have until 22nd April to raise the rest of the money and please do support this if you can. A huge thank you to those parents who have already donated at: https://www.avivacommunityfund.co.uk/chesham-get-recycling
Get Recycling at CGS - a Food and Drink crowdfunding project in Chesham by Steve Miles If we can achieve our higher target of £12,000, then we will also be able to invest in a reverse vending machine which crushes cans and plastic bottles in return for a reward which we can use to promote recycling throughout the school community. www.avivacommunityfund.co.uk |
The summer term begins again for students on Tuesday 21st April. On Monday 20th, staff will spend the day working in teams (remotely of course) planning for the term ahead. Thank you very much for the feedback via our survey last week. It was clear that many of you are very happy with the start we and your children have made to home learning and that some of you have some frustrations. This is what we expected. We are all learning as we go here and are doing our best as I am sure you are. For those staff with toddlers or children of school age, working from home is very difficult as I am sure it is for many of you at the moment so please do try to bear that in mind. Also remember that we do not expect you to be running a home school! This is an anxious time for us all and we understand that many parents and students have concerns. Please as always let us know what these are and we will do our best to help. We are asking departments to spend time on 20th April sharing good practice and planning for home learning to ensure that there is greater variety moving forwards in terms of how work is set and accessed by students. We are also looking at ways of ensuring that tutors can keep in touch with their tutor groups.
All that remains is for me to thank you for all you have done to support your child and the school this term. It has been a term like no other! I wish you all a relaxing weekend. Do try to ensure that you and your children unwind and take a break over the Easter holiday and that you look after yourselves, physically and mentally.
With best wishes,
Annmarie McNaney