Headteacher's Newsletter
what's happening at Chesham Grammar
Head's Blog
Dear Parent,
Today has brought to an end an academic year and a term like no other we have ever known. Who would have thought, when we welcomed the students back in September, that the year would pan out as it has? As I said in my assembly this morning, while coronavirus will overshadow this academic year, we will not let it define it. So many superb events have taken place both during the school day and outside of it, in the realm of sport, music, drama and many more besides. Our students have taken part in numerous competitions and challenges in both the academic and extra-curricular realms and have enjoyed a wide range of educational experiences, visits and activities. Of course they have also missed out on a good deal, from public exams to visits abroad, expeditions to sports day but I do believe that when in years to come we look back at this period, we will remember not just the difficulties, frustrations and our down days but the unexpected positives which have come out of it. From developing an understanding of how to deliver effective learning remotely to marvelling at the creativity of our students and from the joy of listening to our lockdown version of Somewhere Over The Rainbow (which I do not mind admitting made me cry when I first saw and heard it) to the sight of our Year 7s this week whose delight at being back in school also brought a tear to my eye. I know our students have their own positives on which to reflect with many making good use of the time they have been given most unexpectedly to develop themselves in some way or to show kindness to others. While I sincerely hope that I do not experience another term quite like this one, I do look back and think that although we have all spent the last four months apart, this shared experience will bring us closer together and make us appreciate what we have all hitherto taken entirely for granted.
Your children throughout this period have done really well and so have you! I know how difficult it is to juggle work and parenthood at the best of times and for many parents, this has been a hard few months. Thank you so much for your support of your children and of the school. While there will be gaps in knowledge when we return in September, I believe that our students are well placed to make up this ground and the staff will be working hard to help them. I know that many of you will breathe a sigh of relief today, knowing that the summer break has arrived and that the students will return to school in September. Well done to our parents and a huge thank you. Thank you also to our staff who have been incredible during this lockdown. Many of them are on their knees and are also ready for a much needed rest.
I know that the vast majority of our students watched the live streaming of our end of year assembly today. While I would much rather have been able to address them in person, it was nonetheless good for us to be able to talk to them, to share some of the highlights of the year as well as some more lighthearted moments. I do hope they enjoyed the staff video at the end which we all had great fun putting together.
This week, our Year 7 and 10 enterprise teams took part in the finals of The National Enterprise Challenge, held remotely for the first time. Both teams made it to the last five and thus were down to the last 5 competitors of 40,000 across the country. Both teams were sad not to come away as overall winners but we are really proud of what they achieved and for getting so far. Miss Thoday was presented with a Special Recognition Award by TNEC for her superb contribution to enterprise education over the last decade or so of this competition. It was wonderful to see the pride of the students who have worked with her to prepare for the finals when her name was announced.
Today we said goodbye to several members of staff. Miss Tanvi Patel has been one of our Science Technicians this year while Mr Reece Tiley has been our PE Technician and Mr Tom Finch our Gap Year Technician. We thank them all for their contribution to the school. Mr Simon Longworth leaves us after five years teaching geography to take up the post of Head of Geography at Aylesbury High. He has also run our Duke of Edinburgh scheme thus supporting many students during his time here. Finally, Mr Tony Baker retires from his post as a physics teacher. Mr Baker has tried to retire at least twice before and during his time here has been Subject Leader for Physics. A more passionate teacher of physics you could not find. His quiet and dry sense of humour as well as his absolute commitment to getting the best from and for his students will be missed by us all. We wish all five of them the very best and hope they keep in touch with us.
A number of parents have understandably asked about lockers which are still as they were when we closed on March 20th. ILS, the company which organises our lockers, will be coming in to clean them during the holiday. They will bag up whatever is in them and our office staff will contact parents to arrange a time when these belongings can be collected if you wish.
Well, that is it I think for this year. I will keep you updated over the summer if anything changes in relation to re-opening in September and will make sure you have the link to our risk assessment which sits alongside our reopening plans which were sent home today. Some parents have also asked for a list of equipment each student must have in September and we will send this home next week. Towards the end of August, I will confirm our re-opening plans and send some key reminders.
Thank you once again for everything this year and I wish you all an enjoyable summer.
With best wishes,
Annmarie McNaney