Headteacher's Newsletter
what's happening at Chesham Grammar
Head's Blog
Dear parent,
At the end of what has been a long and tiring term, I would like to thank the whole school community for the positivity with which all the ups and downs we have faced have been approached. We began the term in January at home, at which point I feared we would not see the students in school until the summer term so it was a relief when it was announced they would return on March 8th. Since then, they have thrown themselves back into the day-to-day routines of school life. I am enormously grateful to you, our parents, for your support and patience and to the staff who are all exhausted after a challenging term. Everyone is more than ready for a much-needed rest.
When we return in April, extra-curricular sporting activities will recommence and we are hoping that things really can start to get back to normal. In relation to PE, please note that after Easter, students who have PE periods 1 or 2 may come to school in their kit and those who have it period 5 may, if they wish, go home in their kit. This is a return to the situation as it was in the autumn term. All other students should come to school in their uniform and change back into it after their PE lesson.
Over the Easter holiday, the canopies which we raised money for last term are being installed providing three additional covered areas for students to use at social times. They have been making good use of the new seating and picnic benches and I know that the addition of the canopies will make a real difference, providing shelter come rain or shine. Thank you to Mrs Harvell and Mrs Ware who have organised this and to our parents who have made this possible.
Those of you with a child in Year 10 will know that we have moved their internal exams which were originally scheduled to take place right after Easter. We have decided instead to do class tests with Year 10, which will minimise any further loss of teaching time while also giving them the opportunity to practice answering exam questions in timed conditions. Year 12 internal exams will take place as per the school calendar and will start on June 21st.
As you will know, we are currently working very hard to ensure that our Year 11 and 13 students are well prepared for final assessments in May, ahead of the process of providing a grade for each student in each subject. These grades have to be submitted to the exam boards by June 18th and the teaching staff will be marking, moderating and standardising assessments next half term so that we have the evidence needed to determine A level and GCSE grades. There is a truly vast amount of work involved in this and our Governors have agreed to an additional staff training day and a remote learning day for students so that departments have the time they need to undertake this work. Therefore, on Friday May 28th, the last day of next half term, students will be asked to work from home and Monday 7th June, the first day back after half term, will be a staff training day. Students will return after the May half term on Tuesday, June 8th and this is the date on which Year 10 class tests will start. This decision was not taken lightly. I am sure that parents will understand the need for staff to have sufficient time to undertake this grading process and I am grateful for your support.
Well done to Ernest in Year 10 who has passed his grade 3 piano exam and to Harry, also in Year 10, who has taken part in fundraising via Wasps Rugby Academy. Wasps set their teams the target of running 50km in the month of March to raise money for Motor Neurone Disease. Harry reached 52km with three days to spare, raising £150 so far. We are proud of you, Harry.
Mrs Hill would like to pass on her thanks to all the parents and students who have sponsored library books and DVDs this term. A total of £1,472.00 has been raised this year which is fantastic. It has enabled us to buy additional books, DVDs and digital magazine subscriptions for the whole school community to use and enjoy.
Today we said goodbye to Mrs Harris who begins her maternity leave. I am sure you will join me in wishing her well and we look forward to meeting the new arrival in the summer term. Best wishes and thank you also to Alison Kellett who leaves us today. We would like to thank her for her excellent service as Exams Officer and HR Adviser and wish her all the best for the future.
All students involved in Covid testing at home have been given kits today to enable them to continue to test over the Easter holiday. Please encourage your child to maintain the habit of testing twice weekly and of recording the result, using their full name, via the 'student Covid testing' Team at CGS. They are also asked to use the NHS recording site.
All that remains is for me to wish you all a happy Easter and to thank you all once again for your support of your children and the school. We look forward to welcoming everyone back to CGS on Monday, April 19th.
With best wishes,
Annmarie McNaney