Headteacher's Newsletter
what's happening at Chesham Grammar
Head's Blog
Dear parent,
What a joy it has been to have the school full of your children again! Unsurprisingly, when I have asked students what they have most enjoyed about being back in school, 'seeing my friends again' has been top of the list. As I have walked around the school this week, it has been delightful to see students working together in classrooms and laughing and playing together at break and lunchtimes. How we have missed them. Many parents have commented on how tired their children have been this week and some of the staff have said the same so I think there are many who are glad that the weekend has arrived.
We have almost finished the process of administering three Covid tests for students. The students have been brilliant as have the parent volunteers and the staff involved. We just have Monday and Tuesday to go now and after this, students are asked to conduct tests at home. Information about this has been sent home by Mrs Harvell. When we have finished the student testing, we will have conducted just short of 4,000 tests in a 10 day period. It will be nice to see the hall returned to its natural state and for the 'CGS testing centre' to be consigned, I hope, to the past.
Well done to Ryan in Year 7 who won the Chesham round of the Rotary Young Photographer Competition. His winning entries on the theme of 'wild nature' will now be entered into the District round. Another 'well done' to Jeevan in Year 13 who passed his Grade 8 trombone exam during lockdown. When Jeevan was in Year 7, our prospectus photographer captured him playing his trombone and this photo is still in the school. I was looking at it today, having received the news about his recent success, thinking just how quickly the years have passed.
Next Friday, we will be raising money for Comic Relief during Red Nose Day. This is always organised by our own 'red' House, Franklin, whose House Captains will write to parents with information on Monday. Students will be able to wear mufti (red clothes and red noses preferred) and a donation of £1 can be made via ParentPay. It will be good for the students to have this to look forward to and to enjoy.
Thank you for the positive feedback following Year 8 parents' evening last night. This was our first opportunity to talk to Year 8 parents about their child's progress as the Year 7 event was cancelled last year due to the pandemic.
I have been asked to mention to those of you who had a child in Year 11 last year that there are still unclaimed refunds from their prom (which also, sadly, fell victim to Covid). There is a deadline of the end of March for any last claims for refunds so please get in touch with Anna, one of the organisers, if you have yet to claim your refund. The organisers have decided that anything left unclaimed at the end of March will be donated to the School Development Fund.
Last term, parents made very generous donations to our 'CGS Outstanding Outdoors' appeal. We have been able to install lots more picnic benches which the students have been making good use of this week and we are awaiting installation of the canopies which will create three new covered seating areas. Delivery has been delayed due to Brexit but we are expecting installation to take place at Easter. Thank you once again for helping us to make this happen. The rain this week was an unwelcome reminder of just how much our students need these covered areas. One of the things we also want to do as part of this development is to add some plants and shrubs. I am aware that we have removed some grassed areas to create these spaces and I would very much like to 'soften' them with some greenery and colour. If we have any parents with expertise in this area who would be able to help us with design, supply or implementation, we would love to hear from you. Please get in touch with our Development Director, Martha Ware: martha.ware@cheshamgrammar.org
Finally, just a reminder that we have a new Matron in post. Wendy Aubrey started with us during lockdown and she has relished finally getting to meet our students this week. We also have a new Counsellor, Helen Crooks, who joined us this week to work alongside Tricia Eames. Helen and Wendy are looking forward to getting to know our students over the coming weeks and months.
With best wishes for a relaxing weekend,
Annmarie McNaney