Headteacher's Newsletter
what's happening at Chesham Grammar
Head's Blog
Dear parent,
It has been quite a week at CGS.
Sports fixtures
On Wednesday, we were delighted to get the first fixture of the school year underway and our Year 8 boys' cricket team played their first ever cricket match for the school, travelling to Orley Farm School. While they did not come away with a win, there was some really good play and much to build on moving forward. Most importantly, the boys enjoyed representing the school and the opportunity to finally get out and play some competitive sport. We have more fixtures next week, weather permitting.
Last day for Year 11 and 13
Today, our Year 11 and 13 students had their last day of formal lessons. For Year 13, this was the end of an era and brought to an end a long and eventful chapter in their lives. After 14 years of school, they will be moving on to pastures new. We wanted to be able to talk to them all and, mindful of the current circumstances, we gathered outside, making good use of the massive new covered area behind the maths block which was installed at Easter. It was lovely to be able to address the students on what is a significant day for them and as I watched them laughing together afterwards, I wondered where the last 7 years since most of them joined the school has gone. We wish both Year 13 and 11 students the very best with the formal assessments which they will undertake in the next few weeks.
Well done to...
Well done to Josh in Year 11 and Evan in Year 8 who have both achieved a Black Belt in Karate recently. In Josh's case this was in Shotokan Karate. Erin in Year 8 took her Grade 4 singing exam recently and I was delighted to hear that she passed with distinction. Also passing a music exam with distinction recently, in this case in Grade 6 drums, is Grace in Year 10. Finally, Tegan in Year 7 has been selected to play for the Bucks County Girls' U13 cricket team. Congratulations to them all on their success.
Alumni news
When students leave the school, we try to keep in touch with them and it is always a proud moment when they get in touch to tell us of their successes beyond CGS. At the end of last week, I heard from Nathan, a student from the Class of 2018, who is now reading maths at the University of Bristol. Nathan was a member of our brilliant Man Choir during his time here and he has continued with this at university. His a cappella group has just been crowned the 2021 UK national champions. The group went on to compete in the International Championship and Nathan won the Outstanding Awards for both audio mixing and video editing and vocal percussion, which was the role he performed and perfected during his time in CGS's Man Choir. Nathan's message to me finished with, "I'd just like to say a huge thank you to the CGS music department for really nurturing my love for music throughout all 7 years as a student; none of this would have been possible without the incredible Mrs Lewis and Miss Newson!"
During the week, some other members of our alumni network gave current students an insight into life beyond CGS. Amber, Grace, Matt, Nihi and Will all left us in the last couple of years and it was useful for those currently at CGS to hear from them and lovely for those of us who remember them to hear about what they are up to.
The Friends of CGS
Thank you to the Friends of Grammar School who organised the Bags2School collection yesterday which went very smoothly. We will let you know how much it raised. Thank you to those parents who supported the school in this way and also to those who were here to help with the logistics. As you will know from a recent email communication, the FoCGS are launching a new school lottery, details of which can be found here for any parents who would like to join: https://www.yourschoollottery.co.uk/lottery/school/chesham-grammar-school-parent-teachers-association
Finally, a reminder that Sunday is one of our suggested Covid testing days at CGS and we ask students to report their result both to the school and on the gov.uk site - surnames should be included.
I wish you all a relaxing bank holiday weekend and we look forward to seeing the students again on Tuesday.
Best wishes,
Annmarie McNaney