Headteacher's Newsletter
what's happening at Chesham Grammar
Head's Blog
Dear parent,
CGS at the National Young Enterprise finals
On Wednesday, I attended the virtual National Young Enterprise finals. As you may recall, one of our teams, Understood, won the district and regional rounds and progressed to the event held this week. During the morning, members of the team were interviewed by the panel of judges and Mr Stoddern, who accompanied them, was incredibly proud of their poise, confidence and maturity. The team did not come away as overall winners but did win the 'Creativity' category and Aidan was one of three students nationally nominated for the Individual Journey Award. The students have impressed everyone and I am delighted to hear that they have been asked to present to the Department for Work and Pensions next month, on how those with unseen disabilities can be supported. Well done to all those involved.
Internal exams
Year 10 students have finished their end of year exams today and we have been impressed by the way in which they have approached these. Year 12s begin their end of year exams on Monday and we wish them all the best.
House sports competitions
While Year 12s are doing their exams, students in Years 7-10 will be taking part in winter and summer House sports competitions. We are looking forward to reigniting the friendly House rivalry which is usually such a key feature of life at CGS.
Well done to...
Well done to Daniel in Year 8 who has passed his grade 3 piano exam with Distinction. Also well done to Oscar in Year 7 who played in his first County hockey tournament last weekend. He plays for Herts U13 boys who beat both Essex and Cambridgeshire, with Oscar scoring his first goal for Herts.
Fixtures this week
Last Friday, our Year 10 cricket team played in the final of the County Cup where they were defeated by Stowe School. Mr Miles is really proud of the team and this week, they have beaten St Benedict's School in Ealing while our Year 7s and 8s played cricket v Chesham Prep on Wednesday, winning both games. Other cricket games this week have seen our Year 9s lose to St Benedict's and our Year 10s narrowly lose to AGS. There are more fixtures next week and we are all hoping that the weather improves so that these can take place.
Finally, just a reminder that there are Year 9 vaccinations taking place at school on Monday and that we ask students to undertake a lateral flow test on a Sunday and to upload the results to the school 'Student Covid Testing' Team and the .gov portal.
With best wishes for a relaxing weekend,
Annmarie McNaney