Headteacher's Newsletter
what's happening at Chesham Grammar
Head's Blog
Dear parent
I hope that your child enjoyed the half term break, which already seems a long time ago!
During the week, year 11 and 13 students have been sitting formal assessments in the hall. In lessons, teachers have been sharing information about the content disclosure by the exam boards ahead of the A level and GCSE exams in the summer which staff spent the February training day working on. Each Subject Leader has explained what students need to know about the content disclosure in their subject and this will also be made available to parents in due course.
On Wednesday, our U18 girls travelled to Shenfield High School in Essex for the quarter-final of the ESFA National Cup. After full time and extra time, the scores were level (5-5 AET) and so the match went to penalties. Shenfield won this and so progress to the semi-finals. While we are gutted for the students, we are incredibly proud of what they have achieved and of their progress through this competition. Well done to them all and thank you to Miss Cowley, their Coach. Our U16s have their semi-final National Cup game next week, also having drawn Shenfield High School away. We wish them luck.
I have mentioned in earlier newsletters that we have started a rugby club for girls this year, with Neil Aves, one of the coaches from Chesham Stags, running the training sessions. Yesterday, we had our first competitive matches v Wycombe High School with the U15s losing 26-7 and the U13s scoing 14 tries and winning 70-0! It is really good to see this becoming established within the school and to see fixtures getting underway. Well done to everyone involved.
In hockey, our year 8 girls beat Aylesbury High School with the A team winning 9-2 and the B team 4-0. Our year 10 netballers played in the Chiltern District Tournament where the As were knocked out and the Bs won the Plate final, beating Amersham School. In basketball, our year 7 boys had two excellent matches this week, defeating Aylesbury Grammar School 20- 10 and Princes Risborough School 32-23. As always, well done to everyone who represented the school with pride. On Monday, we have our Inter House Swimming Gala which is always a hugely competitive and fun event. I hope to have the results to include in the newsletter next week. The fixture list for the next week can be found here.
Well done to Daksh in year 8 who has been selected for the Bucks County Cricket U13 squad and to Amy in year 7 who won first place at The Legacy Cheerleading Competition at the Olympic Park during half term. Gethin in year 8 was a joint winner in the Intermediate Wind Solo Cup at the Chesham Arts Festival, also during half term. During the week, I met with students from years 8 - 10 who have been selected to represent Bucks at the World Scout Jamboree in 2023 which will take place in South Korea. Well done to Seren, Poppy and Emma in year 10, Sophia and Chrissy in year 9 and Sophie in year 8. They now each have to set about raising a significant amount of money in order to be able to attend.
Happy 12th birthday to Ruby, Lucie, Harvey, Lochlann and Phoenix in year 7 and congratulations to Callum, Lucy H, Gaby, Matthew, Thomas, Lucy L, and Ellis in year 13 who have just celebrated their 18th birthday; I met with all for birthday tea this week.
YEAR 7S IN 2022
Tuesday March 1st is always National Offer Day when parents of children in year 6 find out at which secondary school their child has been offered a place. The allocation list I have received shows that the school is full and heavily oversubscribed once again for September. I know that we have a number of younger siblings joining us next year and it has been nice to be able to talk to some of the elder ones this week about this.
Over the holiday period, there were significant changes in the world and we know that many members of the school community want to do something to show their support for those affected by events in Ukraine. We will be organising something as a school and details will follow next week.
Finally, many thanks to you all for your continued support of your children and the school this half term.
With best wishes for a relaxing weekend,
Annmarie McNaney