Headteacher's Newsletter
what's happening at Chesham Grammar
Head's Blog
The highlight of this week for me was definitely my visit to the Music Department's 'Chill Concert' held on Wednesday after school. This was an opportunity for mainly younger students to perform in a safe and appreciative environment and it was lovely to see lots of parents in the audience. I thoroughly enjoyed watching and listening to the performances. Very well done to everyone involved and thank you to Mrs Jashari for organising the event and inspiring the students.
It has been quite a short but a very busy half term and it is hard to believe that when we return, there will be just over sixweeksuntiltheendoftheschoolyear. Wewillbesending out information about the activities week events for those in years 9, 10 and 12 after half term; those with a child in year 7 or 8 alreadyhave this information. We want the focus to be on students enjoying themselves during the week which takesplace from 11th to 15th July, the last full week of the academic year. Mrs Dax has worked incredibly hard to organise all this and I would like to record my thanks to her.
TodaywesadlysaidgoodbyetoMrCompton. Iappointed Gary in my first year as Headteacher and he immediately made a positive impact on the school. He left us in July 2017 to go to Dubai, returning in September 2019. Over the past three years, he has inspired hundreds of students in maths and has been a popular, energetic and unfailingly positive member of staff. We are going to miss him. Seeing him walk out of CGS for the last time today, laden down with gifts from students, was a clear indicator of how popular he is with our students. Mr Compton moves to a well-deserved promoted post as Head of Maths in a school in the north of the county. We wish him every success and thank him for the significant contribution he has made to CGS. Mrs Fleming left us today to start her maternity leave. She will return next summer. We wish Mrs Fleming all the best and look forward to meeting her new arrival in due course.
...Callum in year 13 who, having won a prestigious scholarship to Princeton University in the USA, has been selected to attend the summer Freshman Scholar's Institute which provides chosen freshmen with the opportunity to 'experience the rich and diverse intellectual and social environment at Princeton'. Going to university in America is growing in popularity and Mr Wescomb, Mrs Ware and Mrs Lovelace are planning to run a session for parents and students who are interested in finding out about applying to US universities at some point next half term.
Well done to Noah in year 7 who played in a 28-team football tournament in Charleroi, Belgium, last weekend. His was the only UK team taking part and they won the tournament before travelling to France to be hosted by the Stade de Reims Academy where they took part in friendly games with teams from Paris and Reims. Well done also to Anton in year 7 who has just passed grade 3 classical and jazz guitar with Merit and to Charlie, in year 7 who passed grade 5 piano with Distinction. Grace in year 11 passed grade 7 drums also with Distinction, while Isabelle in year 7 achieved Distinction in her standard 4 ballet exam. Well done all.
Mollie in year 9 has just been accepted into the National Youth Theatre after a series of auditions, workshops and an interview. She will be joining the NYT for a summer camp in the first two weeks of August. Finally, Erin, who is also in year 9, has been awarded a solo part in a Garsington Opera this summer. Well done too.
There have been several cricket fixtures this week, with the year 7s beating both Thorpe House and John Hampden Grammar School. The JHGS game was a County Cup match and was a thrilling game, with victory secured in the final over. Our U15 cricket team also beat JHGS with Daksh scoring 51 and Areeb taking four wickets. The year 9 rounders team continued their good form and have now won all 14 of their matches so far this season. Finally, well done to all those who represented CGS in the Bucks schools triathlon competition yesterday. We do not yet have the final results of this team event. Mr Stoddern who
organised this was really impressed by the students and, most importantly, reported that everyone really enjoyed the experience. My thanks to him for inspiring them to take part. Fixtures for the week after half term can be found here.
Finally, a reminder that tickets for our 75th Anniversary Party are available on Parentpay.
I do hope that you and your family enjoy the long Jubilee Bank Holiday weekend next week, whatever it is you are doing to celebrate.
With best wishes,
Annmarie McNaney