Headteacher's Newsletter
what's happening at Chesham Grammar
Head's Blog
It has been good to welcome the students back to school this week. I know that year 11s spent their half term break preparing for mock exams which started on Tuesday. We are impressed by the way in which they are approaching these. We will continue to regularly remind the students as they move through year 11 that while exams are important, they are not a matter of life and death and that it is important to maintain a healthy sense of perspective on life. Please reinforce this message at home and let us know if you have any concerns about your child. I know that many of those studying GCSE art were lucky enough to visit Amsterdam with the art staff over half term, on one of our first post-pandemic visits abroad and that this went well. Thank you to Mr Biddle, Ms Gregory and Mrs Blythe who accompanied the visit. Yesterday, we started our post 16 preparation with year 11s, outlining what a student who wants to return to CGS needs to do and also giving an insight into those subjects we only offer at A level, so that they are aware of these. They are: economics, photography, sociology, politics and psychology. The staff teaching these subjects are offering taster sessions for interested students so that they have the opportunity to get an insight into what the A level courses involve. They will also be able to talk to staff and current students at our Sixth Form Open Evening which takes place on 17th November. I look forward to seeing you there if you have a child in year 11.
We have regular careers talks for students and Mrs Lovelace, our Careers Leader, runs 'Talks on Tuesdays' which are open to anyone. This week, Emma Delahay from Pfizer UK came to talk about her career, which was of particular interest to those who are studying A levels in maths and science. The Tuesday talks cover a wide range of career options across the year, some of which are run by our alumni. If you don't yet follow our careers Twitter feed, @cgsinspiration it is a good idea to do so (if you use this platform) as Mrs Lovelace regularly posts interesting and useful information about careers and career-related opportunities.
Well done to Nicole and Danniella in year 12 who have recently passed their IASI Level 2 ski instructor's badges as well as to Sam in year 10 who has passed Grade 4 clarinet with Merit. Over half term, Tejas in year 11 was runner-up in the Wycombe U16 Boys' Badminton Competition and Daniel in year 7 competed in the LTA Indoor U11 National Championships at Corby Tennis Centre. Congratulations to them and to Leila and Zara in year 10. Their entry into the Junk Kouture recycled fashion competition reached the London finals over half term and was chosen as one of the ten entries to go through to the world finals, being held in Abu Dhabi in January. This is a superb achievement and thank you to Mrs Morgan for encouraging them to take part.
Happy birthday to those with whom I met for birthday tea this week: Lexie, Leah, Charlotte, Samuel, Ryley and Joseph in year 7 who have recently turned 12 and Ethan, Samuel D, Gergana and Samuel F in year 13 who celebrated their 18th during the half term break
Next week, mock exams continue for year 11s. Students in years 12 and 13 will be attending the Safe Drive Stay Alive presentation in Wycombe. We always take our students to this around the time they are learning
to drive. It is quite hard hitting but the message is a very important one for them to hear at this stage in their journey to adulthood. Next Friday, we will hold our annual Act of Remembrance when the whole school will gather together. We are selling poppies in school so please give your child a small amount of cash if they would like to have one.
Tickets for the FoCGS quiz night are now on sale on ParentPay and we are delighted to see this popular event return. It is always a popular evening so do get tickets sorted if you want to attend. Please also put Saturday 3rd December 1-5pm in your diary for the Christmas Fair, one of our biggest fundraisers of the year. If you would like to take a stall, please fill in this form and if you would be willing to have a promotional Estate Agent board from Frosts outside your home to publicise the Fair, please sign up here. The Friends are also looking for a Treasurer, please email friends@cheshamgrammar.org if you can help.
Sport is back underway with cross country being a key activity in PE lessons this week. Despite the loss of light due to the clocks going back, we have managed to play some matches after school. Well done to our U13 girls who came through a close football match v Buckingham School, getting two late goals to win the game 6-8. Not to be outdone, the U13 boys also won their football match this week, beating Davenant Foundation School 3-2. Our Senior A team beat St Mary's School in netball by a significant margin. As I write this, our Senior netballers are playing a match in the Sisters in Sport Competition while our U16 girls are away to Lealands School in the National Cup. You can find the sport and fixtures schedule for next week here.
We are holding our Celebration of Sport Evening, postponed from July, later this month. This is an event Mr Pontin introduced and while we are looking forward to it, we are sad that he will not be with us for the evening. He continues to make good progress and will soon be leaving hospital and going home which is great news. I am delighted to tell you that the final amount raised by Austen House's charity fundraising for The Brain Tumour Society was £4,877 which smashed the target Austen House set of 3k. Thank you to everyone and well done to Mrs Maishman and Austen House Captains for leading this.
Finally, as we start a new half term, one during which the days will very quickly get shorter, I make no apology for repeating my plea to parents to please park and drive sensibly, carefully and considerately around the site and local roads when dropping off or collecting your child. Remember that we have 1300 teenagers and sadly, they often think they are invincible! As the adults, we know this is not the case and I ask that you are therefore mindful of the safety of the students and drive or park cautiously. Thank you.
With best wishes for a relaxing weekend,
Annmarie McNaney