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CGS Equestrian Club 50th Reunion
We were delighted to have past and present members of the Chesham Grammar Equestrian Club join us on Saturday 2nd April for a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the club. Founded in 1972 by the school caretaker, Bill Crowe, Sally Moir, a parent, took over when he left. It was wonderful to welcome her daughters Ruth and Judith on Saturday. Chemistry teacher Miss Antonia Thoday, who has led the club since 1981, was awarded an MBE for her service in 2009.
The club has given well over a thousand CGS students the opportunity to learn to ride and care for ponies, with many of them, years later, realising their childhood dreams of one day owning their own horse.
Belonging to the Equestrian Club is so much more than riding and looking after ponies, members develop essential life skills:
Sarah, member in 1990s said
"The Pony Club gave me the chance to try something completely different, it gave me the opportunity to start developing the leadership skills that have made a real difference throughout my Public Health career so far, where I currently have a strategic lead role at the Council to improve the health of people living in Bucks.
I’m looking forward to introducing my daughter to riding, so she can have the opportunity to enjoy it as much as I did."
Sophie Year 9
"Recently my year group friends in the Equestrian Club have run the Christmas fair stall and we raised over £500, we made everything we sold varying from dog biscuits to painted canvases! I am constantly developing new skills ."
Lindsay, member in the 1980s said
"I’ve made lifelong friends through this crazy hobby, and plugged into whole communities of like-minded people. As a Chartered Business Psychologist, I even work with horses to help develop and coach business leaders and teams.
Horses teach us so much more than the skills of riding. We learn commitment, patience, resilience and the rewards of trust and sheer hard work. Life lessons as well as smiles and laughter. What more could we ask for!"