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Table Tennis Success - Heathrow Junior League
Well done to all 24 of our junior players who took part in the Heathrow Junior League this season. The organisers aim to provide juniors with the experience of playing in a league for the first time, within a friendly and welcoming environment.
Monday 4th April was a very exciting day for all of our coaches and league participants, handing out certificates awarded by the organisers for wins throughout the season. These included:
Round 1: Division 6 Winner, Ben F and Seb
Round 1: Division 5 Winner, Santiago and Aarav
Round 2: Division 6 Winner, Leo and Samar
Round 3: Division 6 Winner, Jacob, Marcus and Harvey
Round 3: Division 4 Runner-up, Santiago, Munveer and Ben C
Round 5: Division 5 Winner, Ben F, Rahul and Oscar
Round 5: Division 4 Runner-up, Santiago, Leo and Seb
Round 6: Division 6 Winner, Connor and Anton
Round 6: Division 5 Winner, Oscar and Rahul
Round 6: Division 4 Runner-up, Munveer, Santiago and Ben C