Headteacher's Newsletter
what's happening at Chesham Grammar
Head's Blog
Dear parent,
It has been lovely to finally see some sunshine this week! We have managed to play a number of fixtures. Our Year 9 and 7 cricketers narrowly lost in the County Cup while the Year 10s won their County Cup game against Burnham Grammar. I must also mention the Year 8 cricket team who beat Berkhamsted towards the end of last week. Well done.
This week, we have had a number of positive Covid cases in the school which has, sadly, resulted in a significant number of students having to isolate, some over the half term break. It is always with a heavy heart that we inform parents and students that they have been identified as a contact and I want to thank you all for your support. Coming into teaching, I never dreamed that I would be telling children to stay away from school. I am really hoping that it isn't too long before the guidance for schools changes to reflect what we all hope is an improving situation and where, for example, taking a lateral flow test each morning avoids the need for isolation. This is being trialled in some areas, though sadly, not in Bucks.
We have been asked by Bucks Council to remind any parent who is an EU, EEA or Swiss citizen, that the EU Settlement Scheme deadline of June 30th is fast approaching. Any parent who needs further information about this can go to www.gov.uk/eusettlementscheme.
Last weekend, 74 students in Year 10 completed the training expedition for their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award. Mr Moore-Bridger and Mrs Rees who accompanied them were really impressed. The students developed valuable skills, worked well together and had a good deal of fun. They are now well prepared for their assessed expedition next month.
Today, the staff have been working hard to complete the marking of A level and GCSE assessments and on Monday 7th June, they will undertake moderation and begin the process of grading. We were really impressed by the way in which the Year 11s and 13s approached these assessments and it was wonderful to see the euphoria as they finished them this week. We will be in touch with students and parents after half term to pass on information about transition work for those in Year 11 and with suggested tasks for those in Year 13 to help them prepare for university.
Today we said goodbye to Mr Arnold who has been with us as a Cover Supervisor this year and also to Tricia Eames and Helen Crook, our Counsellors. We thank them for all they have done for our students and wish them well. We are just in the process of appointing a new Counsellor.
As you know, we have installed new covered outdoor areas for our students which are much appreciated and well used. Mrs Ware, our Development Director, has put together a short thank you video for parents who made this possible. This can be found on the front page of our website. Any parent who would like to make a regular donation enabling CGS to continue to develop future projects, can also visit the school website https://bit.ly/2RM1W4i or click on this link to request further information https://forms.office.com/r/gg4hxGZMxh.
Finally, it has been a pleasure this week to appoint our new Head Girl and Boy and Deputy Head Girl and Boy from a very strong field indeed. Well done to those in Year 12 who put themselves forward and congratulations to Isobel and Tom, our new Head Girl and Boy, and to Tahlia and Dany, Deputy Head Girl and Boy. We are looking forward to working with them and the rest of the Student Senior Leadership Team over the next year.
With best wishes for a relaxing bank holiday weekend,
Annmarie McNaney