Headteacher's Newsletter
what's happening at Chesham Grammar
Head's Blog
Dear parent,
Young Enterprise success
I was delighted to hear of the success of our Young Enterprise team, Understood, on Wednesday evening. As you may recall, the team won the Chiltern Finals a few weeks ago which meant they went forward to represent the district in the South Central Regional Finals, held on Wednesday evening, and they won this too. They will now go to the National Finals event next month. We wish them all the best. Mr Stoddern, who oversees Young Enterprise and who attended on Wednesday evening, said the team performed brilliantly, displaying confidence, poise and maturity. Well done to Aidan, Pablo, Iqra, Peter, Natasha, Sumeet, Saoirse, Jessica, Jai and Rabia in Year 12. Young Enterprise is an excellent programme which helps the students develop leadership and teamwork skills and we hope the success of 'Understood' will inspire more students to take part in future. You can read about Understood's company and support them if you wish by visiting their website www.understand.me.uk
Cricket ... and well done
The weather has affected some fixtures this week, but the Year 7 cricket team did manage a game against Berkhamsted yesterday, winning by 66 runs, with Daksh scoring 52 of our team's 168 runs and Rithvik 21. I understand there was some impressive bowling from Tegan and Oscar too. Well done all. Another well done to Aldo in Year 9 who has passed his Music Grade 5 Theory exam with Distinction.
National Book Tokens for CGS
We all know that reading for pleasure has a positive impact on academic attainment and we are always seeking ways to encourage and inspire our students to read. National Book Tokens is running a prize draw with the chance to win £5,000 of books for our school library...and £100 of tokens for yourself. You can nominate the school here: Win £5,000 of National Book Tokens for your school Thank you in advance for your support.
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze
This weekend, lots of those in Year 10 will be undertaking their practice expedition for their Bronze D of E. Due to the current restrictions, they are unable to camp overnight which I know is a disappointment for many but I am sure they will gain a great deal from it nonetheless. I hope they all have an enjoyable experience.
Half term ahead
Finally, a reminder that our students have four days in school next week and one day, Friday, of learning at home. Half term then begins and we return to school on Tuesday, 8th June.
With best wishes for a relaxing weekend,
Annmarie McNaney