Headteacher's Newsletter
what's happening at Chesham Grammar
Head's Blog
Welcoming parents back to CGS
It was a pleasure to welcome those of you with a child in year 8 to our Information Evening on Wednesday and I hope you found it useful. We have been delighted to be able to hold in-person events for parents again this term. So far, we met year 7, 8, 10 and 12 parents and will be meeting with those with a child in year 11 to outline the post 16 options process just before half term.
Duke of Edinburgh's Award Expedition
Last weekend, thirty of our year 11 students undertook their assessed expedition for their Bronze D of E Award. They were unable to do this last year as they were isolating at the time the rest of their year group took part. The weather on Saturday was pretty horrendous with rain all day though on Sunday, thankfully, it was much brighter. Well done to the students for whom the experience on Saturday was what we might call character building! Many thanks to Mr Moore-Bridger who organised the expedition.
CGSE and A Level Examinations in 2022
Those of you with a child in year 11 and/or year 13 may have heard the announcement last week about the 2022 GCSE and A level exams. The details can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/proposed-changes-to-the-assessment-of-gcses-as-and-a-levels-in-2022/outcome/decisions-proposed-changes-to-the-assessment-of-gcses-as-and-a-levels-in-2022. Next year will be one of transition with grade boundaries to be set at a point midway between those of 2019 and 2021. The intention is to return to pre-pandemic grading by 2023. There is also optionality in some subjects at GCSE next year (history, geography and English literature) as well as alterations to practical work in science while in art and design, assessment will be by portfolio only. In all other subjects at both GCSE and A level, exam boards will provide advance information about the focus of the content to be examined by 7th February 2022 at the latest.
Mr Hayes is currently drawing together information so that parents and students can see at a glance what the situation will be in every subject and will send this home in the next couple of weeks. Finally, please be aware that every year, there is an exam contingency day when all students have to be available in the event of an exam needing to be moved. This is always at the very end of the exam season, in late June. The 2022 date has not yet been announced and I would therefore advise any family planning to book a holiday after A levels or GCSEs not to book a departure date before the start of July. We are hoping that the contingency date will be announced very soon and when we know what it is, we will let you know.
Parental Feedback
Thank you so much to parents who took a few minutes to complete the feedback ahead of our review of the Maths Department this week. Next week, we will be visiting the English Department and again, would be very grateful for your feedback. This, along with that we gather during student panels, is a really important part of the process and helps us to continually develop what we do. The survey can be found here: English Department Feedback Form
Congratulations to...
It was wonderful to receive the news this week that Amelia in year 11 has been selected to take part in the FA women's U16 National Talent Camp at Loughborough University over half term. This is part of the FA Lioness Talent Pathway programme.
Well done Amelia! Many congratulations also to Jess in year 12 who has been awarded a prestigious Arkwright Engineering Scholarship. Last weekend, twins Archie and Euan took part in the London Mini
Marathon, having been selected to represent the South-East U15 team. In a field of over 200, Archie finished 21st and Euan 39th, helping their team finish in second place. What a fantastic experience for them both - well done. Lottie in year 7 has recently passed her grade 4 singing exam while Lochlann, also in year 7, swam for Chesham Swimming Club in a gala last weekend, the first since lockdown. He came away with three gold and three silver medals. I know that a number of other students across the school also took part in this competition and came away with medals and I would like to congratulate them all.
Birthday Teas this week
Happy birthday to Aruran, Abbie, Dylan, Enzo and Michael in year 13 who have recently celebrated their 18th and to Celestine and Satya in year 7 who have just turned 12. Birthday teas are amongst the highlights of my week. It is always good to hear from the year 7s as to how they are settling in and this year is the first year of repeat birthday teas for me as our year 13s were in year 7 when I took over as Headteacher. It has been lovely to get my first 'birthday book' out (which all students who come in for tea sign) and to show the year 13s their signatures from September 2015 when they came in for birthday tea in year 7! It has also been a pleasure to discuss their experiences at CGS in the intervening period and to discuss their future plans.
The Friends of Chesham Grammar School
Please do take a few minutes to read the latest newsletter here from our very active and successful PTA, The Friends of Chesham Grammar School (FoCGS). There are some very quick, easy and painless ways to support them and raise money for the school by signing up to ShopSmart or our School Lottery or using Amazon Smile or Easy Fundraising when making purchases online. As the
saying goes, every little helps! Just a reminder that tickets for the year 7 and 8 Halloween Disco on Thursday 21st October, the day we finish for half term, can be purchased via ParentPay and that there will be drinks for parents at the same time.There is also a Christmas Fair on December 4th. The FoCGS work very hard indeed to fundraise for the school. They would very much welcome your support as well as any offers of help from parents both for the disco and in organising the Christmas Fair.
Parking Issues
I know that many of our parents drop off and collect their child by car. Parking around schools is always an issue and it is really important that everyone in our school community acts considerately. We have had reports in the last few days of parents parking across the driveways of local residents and in some cases of them waiting on double yellow lines or blocking pavement access. This is simply not acceptable and I am sure it is not how any of us would want others to behave around our own homes. I know there is congestion around the school at the end of the school day in particular and I would suggest taking the simple action of picking up your child slightly later than 3.40pm. Within ten minutes or so of the end of the school day, the traffic has eased considerably and any student is able to wait safely on our site during this time.
Other Items
Please see a letter from Mr Bradbury, our Designated Safeguarding Lead, about information aimed at supporting parents with their child's online safety.
Covid Testing
Schools have been asked to encourage all students and staff to continue twice weekly lateral flow testing at home. Can I please ask that you encourage your child to take a test on Sundays and Wednesdays and to report any positive cases to us. Thank you for your continued support. With best wishes for a relaxing weekend,
Annmarie McNaney