Headteacher's Newsletter
what's happening at Chesham Grammar
Head's Blog
It was good to meet those of you with a child in year 7 at our Information Evening last night and I hope you found this useful. My thanks to Pru and Caroline, Co-Chairs of the Friends of Chesham Grammar School, who provided drinks beforehand, enabling the parents of each year 7 class to meet and to start to get to know each other. 11+
On Tuesday and Thursday, we held 11+ testing at school with a morning and an afternoon session on both days. Having so many year 6 children on site at the same time as the school is operating normally for over 1300 of our own students is a huge logistical undertaking and I would like to thank our Exams Officer, Angela Pearson, for overseeing this and the team behind her who ensured it ran smoothly. This team included a number of Sixth Form students who did a brilliant job of welcoming and looking after several hundred years 6s throughout the two days.
I very much enjoyed my first birthday teas of the year. Happy 12th birthday to Larkin, Sam, Noa, Daisy and Lucca in year 7 and congratulations to Luke, Olivia, Priya, Aven, Darma and Kavi in year 13 who all celebrated their 18th birthday in the last week.
Thank you to parents who let us know of their child's sporting achievement over the summer holiday. Alicia in year 10 competed at both the British and English Nationals Championships, reaching three finals. She has also been selected to join the Swim England National Development programme while Francesca in year 10 made it to the LTA's U18 National Finals of Play Your Way at Wimbledon, along with her doubles partner from Great Missenden Lawn Tennis Club, two of only 152 players from 10,000 entrants to make it to the finals.
Sebastian, Benjamin, Henry and Lucas, all in year 8, play for Hemel Hempstead Town Cricket Club and at the start of the holiday, their U12 team won the Hertfordshire County Cricket Championship. Finally on the sporting front, Ryan in year 12 played for the Bucks U16 side, having an excellent season. He was the top run scorer with the highest individual innings (160 not out) and also took the most wickets. In music, three students have recently passed exams with merit: Luke in year 8 (Grade 3 clarinet), Ajesh in year 9 (Grade 3 piano theory) and Katie in year 9 (Grade 2 flute) while Anna in year 8 has passed Grade 2 ballet, also with Merit. Finally, I would like to mention Zara in year 10 who exhibited at the Amersham Town Council Festival of Art in August, receiving excellent feedback from other local artists involved. Well done to everyone.
Sports trials have continued this week and it has been excellent to see so many students taking part. On Monday, for example, every court and pitch was in use after school as over 150 students played netball, hockey or football while on Tuesday, around half of all year 7 girls attended their first after school netball practice. Fixtures are also underway and we have had matches in netball, rugby and football this week. Thank you to our PE staff who make all this possible. The sport and PE schedule for next week can be found here.
We are currently recruiting for a German language assistant and any parent who might be interested can find out about the role here.
I know that some of our students are planning to go into London for the Queen's lying in state in Westminster Hall this weekend and that many more will watch her funeral on Monday. As I said to the students in assembly last week, whatever one's own views on the monarchy, this is undeniably a significant moment in our country's history. I am sure there will continue to be lots of conversations about recent events when we return to school on Tuesday and in the coming weeks. Reading the messages students and staff have written in the book of condolence we have open here in school has brought a tear to my eye while a few, those blending respect with teenage-speak, have also made me smile. The book will remain open until the end of the day on Tuesday. When we return to school, we have our two 11+ Open Evenings on Tuesday and Wednesday evening and I would like to thank the students in advance for helping at these. A reminder that on both days, school will end at 2.40pm to allow staff to set-up and prepare. There is a letter from Mrs Dax about this here.
With best wishes for a relaxing weekend,
Annmarie McNaney