Headteacher's Newsletter
what's happening at Chesham Grammar
Head's Blog
I know that lots of the students watched the Queen's funeral on Monday morning. No member of staff or student at CGS had previously experienced the death of a monarch and I doubt there are many who can recall the last state funeral, that of Winston Churchill in 1965. Monday has certainly been a talking point in the school this week and I am sure that if your child becomes a parent at some point in the future, they will tell their children about what they have witnessed in the last couple of weeks, much as my parents told me about their experiences of events such as the Queen's coronation in 1953.
When we returned to school on Tuesday, we were straight into our two Open Evenings. These were the first we have been able to hold since 2019 and I know that some of our current year 8 and 9 parents came along as you did not have the opportunity to see the school when your child was in year 6 due to Covid. I do hope you enjoyed your tour. These events are always very busy for us, especially as we have twice the potential applicants than the single sex grammar schools. Across the two evenings, we welcomed over 2,000 visitors and we have received some wonderful emails and messages from those who attended. It is always the students who really 'sell' the school to parents and this year was no exception. Visitors commented on their manners, confidence and respect as well as on the genuine warmth of relationships between the students and staff. The staff work hard in preparation for and during these evenings and I know they also really enjoy watching and listening to the students as they interact with prospective parents and younger children, either as guides or as departmental helpers. I delivered talks across both evenings in the hall, assisted by Head Girl Mollie and Head Boy Rohan and by Liam and Tali in year 8, all of whom outlined what they think makes CGS such a special place to learn. I could not have felt prouder as I listened to what they had to say and as I watched the students acting as tour guides as I walked around the school. I want to thank all the students who took part and I would also like to thank parents as I know many of you had to come to collect your child from school when the evening finished at 8pm. As ever, your support is much appreciated.
Elizabeth in year 10 who has passed grade 5 piano with Merit, grade 5 theory with Distinction and the LAMDA musical theatre bronze medal with Distinction. Edward in year 11 passed the grade 4 LAMDA acting exam with Distinction during the summer while Maddie in year 11 passed grade 7 ballet with Honours, also over the summer. Orla and Molly in year 10, Kirsty and Mary in year 8 and Sophie in year 7 all play cricket for the Chiltern Girls Cluster and won the Buckinghamshire Girls Junior League in a thrilling final last weekend which went down to the last ball. Evelyn in year 12 has been selected as the Army Lord Lieutenant's Cadet, which is apparently the first time a female has been appointed to this role. It is an honour for the school to have two students holding this rank at the same time. Evelyn joins Curtis in year 13 who is the RAF Lord Lieutenant's Cadet. Both were involved in ceremonies following the Queen's death including the proclamation of the new King on September the 11th and the Bucks Council Service of Remembrance for the Queen held last Saturday.
As many of you will know, we have a CGS Table Tennis Centre and I was delighted to hear that the Centre has been able to enter a team in both the National Junior League (under 19) and the National Cadet League (U15). Two members of the U19 team, Santiago and Munveer, as well as three members of the National Cadet League, Seb, Ben, and Rahul, all attend the school. Entering these leagues has been an aspiration of the CGS Table Tennis Centre since it was formed in 2018 and I would like to thank Luke Miller and his team for all he has done to inspire those students who take part. Well done to everyone mentioned above.
Happy 12th birthday to Dulcie, Amelka, Joshua L, Zara, Erin, Maximus and Joshua M in year 7 with whom I met for birthday tea this week. I also enjoyed meeting with Georgie, Oliver, Riley and Natasha in year to congratulate them on their 18th birthday.
During the summer I wrote to inform you that Richard Pontin, our Director of Sport, had undergone emergency surgery to remove a brain tumour. Mr Pontin is still in hospital and is making steady progress and I was delighted to be able to go and visit him myself this afternoon. Lots of students and staff have asked how he is and I know that he is missed by us all. Every year each House organises and leads charity events and Austen House traditionally oversees the first one in the autumn term. They have decided to raise money for a brain tumour charity this year and have chosen the week before half term to hold their events because this is the week which contains Mr Pontin's birthday. We couldn't think of a more fitting way to mark this, by all coming together in this way to show our support for him and to raise money. Further details of what they have planned will follow in the next couple of weeks.
Parents with a child who has joined the school this year will know that their child had a school photograph taken recently. Information about how parents can view and purchase these will come home next week. SPORT There has been lots of sporting activity this week. We have had successes in netball and football with the 10A netballers beating Stowe School and the 11As narrowly losing to Holt School while the year 10 and year 11 football teams beat Amersham and Prince Risborough respectively while the first XI lost their County Cup game to AGS. The extra curricular sporting schedule for the coming week can be found here.
We look forward to welcoming parents of year 10 students to our GCSE Information Evening next Thursday.
The Friends of CGS are having a Bag2School Collection on Thursday 29th September - please drop bags to school between 8am and 9am - at the end of the Leisure Centre Car Park in front of the entrance to the school field. Bag2School accept the following ‘good quality’ items for RE-USE*: Clothing, paired shoes, handbags, hats, bags, scarves, jewellery, socks, belts. Please put in black bag or Bag2School bags available from the school office.
They will also be collecting second hand uniform - please bag separately.
With best wishes for a relaxing weekend,
Annmarie McNaney Headteacher